What Do You Really Want for Your Kids?

“Sit down!” “Be quiet!” “Stop whining!”

Most of the time, you probably just want your kids to do what you tell them to do! Right? In the frustration of daily life, it’s so easy to lose sight of what you REALLY want for your kids.

But let’s take some time to look beyond the everyday struggles…and to look to the future. What are your hopes and dreams for your kids? What are the qualities you want them to have when they are all grown up?

If you want your kids to grow up to become competent, caring, contributing adults, it’s essential to stop and consider your long-term parenting goals. So take a moment to close your eyes and picture your children as adults. Think about what you really want for them. And then write down your answers.

By staying focused on your long term parenting goals, you’ll make parenting easier and more rewarding. And you’ll be better able to help your kids develop the confidence, inner strength and motivation they need to realize their greatest potential. So start each day with your hopes and dreams for your kids firmly in your mind.

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